Wisconsinites seem to know it is a good market for buyers

September 18, 2008

From Michael Theo, Vice President of Legal & Public Affairs, WRA and a Wisconsin Homeowners Alliance statewide survey:

Attitudes about the Housing Market in Wisconsin

Despite negative news about housing, Wisconsinites seem to know buyer have it good right now. 72% of those surveyed in a Wisconsin Homeowners Alliance survey said its a good time to buy a home. (44% say very good, 28 say good).  Only 10% say it is somewhat bad and 17% say very bad.

– Respondants also think Wisconsin”s real estate market is no worse, and possibly better than the national real estate market.  Only 9% think Wisconsin is worse off.

– 80% responded that they are not affected by the down market.  3% say their mortgage rates have gone up. 14% say their home value has gone down. Only 1% say they have experienced foreclosure.

– 40% of those who took the survey responded that it is very likely or somewhat likely that they would be buying a home in the next three years.

Overall those findings are positive.  Here’s hoping positive attitudes and some positive news may nudge more buyers to make the move.  Don’t forget about the first time buyer tax credit!!

If you were surveyed, how would you answer?

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