Try First Weber’s new Smart sign text code – eData (33282)

April 8, 2009

Have you tried texting a pin number on the First Weber yard sign to our dedicated short code eData ? 

We are excited to offer this new level of service to home buyers and want to know what you think!  As far as we know, we are one of the few, if not the first in Wisconsin to offer such a service to meet the increasing popularity of texting by providing a dedicated short code.

What kind of cell phone do you have?  If you have a smart phone with internet access, you can text XXXXX (example purposes only) to edata.  Some phones you have to use the alt key to to do this. 


On standard cell phones with a 10 key pad, the numbers that correspond to edata are 33282. 

You would need to text the pin code XXXXX to 33282.


Let us know what kind of phone you have, if you have tried the new First Weber Front Runner smart sign program and what you think! If you have any comments or suggestions, we love to hear them.

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