First Weber Helps Clean Up Wausau
Rain, wind and chilly temps couldn’t stop an estimated 300 volunteers (including more than 20 First Weber agents and friends) from turning out on Saturday to clean up Wausau at an event sponsored by Ghidorzi Construction and co-sponsored by other community minded companies, one of which was First Weber Group. The large number of volunteers allowed the Wausau metro area be divided into 30 zones for cleanup. Nearly 1,000 filled trash bags later (enough to fill 1½ construction dumpsters), they made an amazing impact on the cleanliness of the community.
Front row: Heidi Radlinger, Michelle Dins, Martha Stephenson, Susan Dowty Schroeder, Norma Wageman. Back row: Mike Dodge, Dave Slaktoski, Mike Zahrt, Jean Slaktoski, Pam Larking, Phillip Larkin.