Don’t hire a disappearing real estate agent to sell your Wisconsin property

I had a phone call today from a friend who signed up with what she thought was a reputable REALTOR- suggested by her niece’s third cousin twice removed. She got all the *bells and whistles* and was paying full commission. This was not a limited service broker.  She signed a 4 month contract…and never saw the agent again. She saw a sign, prominently displayed in her yard, that was placed so badly that the snow plow guy couldn’t really get clear shot at snow removal. She saw the email that there were two showings with no feedback and no follow-up call from the agent as to what went well and what went badly at the showing. She saw, in her words, "a disappearing act the minute I hired him as my agent."

Camel driver with mobile
Families count on their REALTOR to deliver what they promise…Communication in 2011 is accessible even if you’re in the middle of Kenya on a safari while riding a camel. This is the kind of REALTOR that gives us all a bad name, and had ramifications for one family. Please make sure whoever you hire to take on your listing is a good communicator- because if they can’t find time to communicate with who they represent, who else are they not contacting when it involves your sale?

I’m sure you’re all asking yourselves if I now have the listing, and frankly I’m not sure. Would they like to sell? Sure…new baby on the way and not enough room… but with the bitter taste of this bad experience, they may choose to add-on instead. Communication is key with any agent…make sure yours is committed to weekly updates and keeping you in the loop.

 Article written by Dawn Olander, First Weber Group North Shore Office. Originally posted on Dawn Olander’s Real Estate Dame blog.

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