What people are searching for with our new text search…

Smarter seaching now available at firstweber.com with our new text search on the home page.  Choose a few of the required search fields, then add the search terms of your choice to find properties with those specific terms in the property details. Only interested in ranch style homes? Add “ranch” in the text search field at the home page of firstweber.com.


This feature is just 2 days old and look what people have been searching for with the text search field at firstweber.com:

firstweber.com Tag Cloud:

This is interesting to see how people have used the new search tool. How will use use the new text search?
For help using the text search feature, please see the text search help page of firstweber.com where we describe how to improve your search using quote, + or -.


Thanks for reading the First Weber Wisconsin real estate & Wisconsin living blog for information on FirstWeber’s new text search at firstweber.com.  We hope you try it and that it helps make your search experience for Wisconsin real estate a better one.

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