First Weber Foundation holiday giving

First Weber Group is proud to have formed a charitable foundation numerous years ago. Monies raised are from First Weber employees, agents and managers and our Board of Directors determines where Foundation funds are donated.  Many times, First Weber Foundation funds are dispersed in terms of group giving or matching funds. For example, if an office gets involved with a local cause and raises money, they can request that the Foundation match those funds raised through their group giving efforts.

Below are three real life examples of that group giving/fund matching.  Good job to all the local agents who have supported causes in the communities such as these!

First Weber’s Marshfield office

Marshfield did a fundraiser for Marshfield Area Community Foundation called “Stock the Shelves”. This was a fundraiser to fill the food pantry for the holidays. The office raised $300 and the Foundation DOUBLED that.


First Weber’s Tomah office

Tomah office held a Santa Run for Families First of Monroe County. The office raised $345 and the Foundation DOUBLED that amount.


First Weber’s West Bend office

West Bend’s Friends of Abused Families fundraiser was to be able to get presents to children that are being helped by this non-profit. The office raised $1000 and the Foundation DOUBLED that to issue a check for $2000. That will provide many children with smiles and gifts at Christmas time.

West Bend First Weber Christmas fundraiser and gift giving


Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading the First Weber Wisconsin real estate & Wisconsin living blog for information on the First Weber Foundation’s holiday giving. If you need a Wisconsin real estate broker, we hope you will cal First Weber.


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