How to make your move easier for your family

August 20, 2015

Moving from one home to another can be an exhaustive task, one that is both exciting and bittersweet. You are leaving behind a familiar place where memories were made and are now on to new adventures.  Take a look at this slide show guide (use the little white arrows above) meant to make the transition a bit easier for you – including some tips for moving with pets.

• Be sure to take some pictures of  the home you are leaving and also when you move in your new one. Chances are, you will make changes over the years and it can be fun to see the “blank slate” you started with.

• If you will be painting or cleaning carpets, do so before moving everything in. Move into a few rooms at a time, if this is the case.

• Think about how to arrange the furniture – do you want to try to mimic the layout of the old home or try something new?

• Take the time to put things away neatly and correctly the first time. Who knows when you will have the time to redo the cabinets, closets and the dressers if you hastily unpack.

• Be careful with pets in their new environment.

• Take time to meet the new neighbors and explore the neighborhood so you’ll soon feel at home.

• Try out a new local restaurants and when feeling a bit settled, don’t forget to invite some old and/or new friends over to see your new place!

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If you are looking for before the move packing tips, check out this post.

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