January: a great time to get things done inside

January 14, 2016

Wisconsin Januaries often keep people inside more than they would like.  Might as well keep busy and get some things done around the house to  bring in the new year on a positive note. You can flip through the pictures using the small white arrows.


Here are some great to-dos around the house for some cold January days:

Organize your pantry & countertops

If eating healthier is on your list, now is the time to purge temptations and get the juicer or blender within easy reach

Declutter closets and get rid of gadgets

Start the new year off with a little less “stuff”, especially since the holidays mean that maybe you received some new household items or clothing.  In with the old to make room for the new.  Have you worn that sweater at all last year?  When was the last time you pulled that quesadilla maker or sandwich griddle out of the closet and used it? Declutter, downsize and donate.

Organize paperwork and digital files

Paper just looks messy and things get lost easily.  Make an effort to try and digitize your life more bit by bit.  Digital files need cleaning too. Clear space from devices, research an automatic backup system for your computers  if you do not have one already in place.

Kick up the kid’s space

Being stuck inside in colder weather can be a bummer to energetic kids.  Put out some new toys they got from the holidays, maybe update the bedding in their room to a colorful new style, maybe paint their room a cheery color.  Task the kids to go through their toys and donate what they no longer play with.  Not only does this clear up space, it teaches them the value of giving to others who may not have as much.

Trim back holiday decorations

Do you always have a few boxes half-full of holiday decorations you didn’t bother to put out? Well, don’t just put it all back to have the same thing happen again next year.  Take the time during Wisconsin’s colder times to pare down these things that are stored away except for one time a year. Downsize and donate. Your storage space will thank you.


If you decide that your current space does not work for you anymore, we’d welcome you to search for a new place at FirstWeber.com.  This also goes if you want to move to a warmer climate once and for all. First Weber’s Relocation team can help with that.

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First Weber sells real estate throughout Wisconsin: Metro Milwaukee and Southeastern WI, South Central Wisconsin/Greater Madison, Southwest Wisconsin, Central Wisconsin, Northeast Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s great Northwoods.





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