Creating Positive Vibes in Your Home

June 11, 2020

Out of all places, our homes should make us feel happy. After all, there is no place like home, right? Sometimes things feel a little off and our homes could use a little revamping to help create positive energy. Here are some simple ways to bring positive energy into your home.

Natural Light

When our homes are bright and full of natural light, it quickly brightens our mood. Vitamin D is a natural way to make us feel happier. When you wake up in the morning, make a habit of pulling back your blinds and letting all that sunshine in. Something as small as that can make a big impact on your mood to start the day!


Do you have junk mail laying all over your counter, kids’ toys spread out over the living room, or any other kind of clutter taking up space in your home? It may be time to organize! A clean and organized home gives us peace of mind. When you have a little free time focus on de-cluttering and creating structure in your home.


Sometimes a great way to freshen up our homes and bring new energy in is by rearranging things. Some people don’t like change and that’s okay, but some of us could use a little mix-up. Even just rearranging your living room or bedroom setup can be a good change!

Bring the Outside Inside

Bringing a little outdoor feel inside can create some positive energy as well. You don’t have to go overboard with tons of plants in each room but incorporating house plants or flowers in a few rooms can be a nice touch to our homes.

Speaking of bringing the outdoors inside, open your windows! The warm weather allows us to open up our windows and let a little fresh air in. Even if you can’t make it outdoors during the day, you will be able to have a little fresh air circulating through the inside of your home.


When our walls are plain and empty it can make our homes feel dull and drab. To fix this, hang up some art pieces or family pictures on the wall to add some character to your home. Again, no need to go crazy and cover every inch of the wall with decoration. Just a few wall decorations should do the trick! Seeing pictures of loved ones or art pieces you really like can naturally elevate our mood.

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