Posts tagged ‘Wisconsin Housing State’

August 23, 2024

Wisconsin Real Estate Report – July 2024

Wisconsin Real Estate Report – July 2024

Key points from the WRA on the Wisconsin Housing Report for July 2024. Home Sales: New listings bounced back in July after an unexpected decline in June listings and home sales. July’s bounce back helped grow existing home sales statewide. New listings rose 4.8% in July 2024 from July last year. Every region of the […]

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May 31, 2024

Wisconsin Real Estate Report – April 2024

Wisconsin Real Estate Report – April 2024

Key points from the WRA on the Wisconsin Housing Report for January 2023.  Home Sales: With strong buyer demand and ongoing improvements in listings, existing home sales went up dramatically in Wisconsin. Home sales rose 25.7% in April relative to that same month last year. Compared to April 2023, home sales rose in April 2024 […]

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