"The WHA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization devoted to representing homeowners and property owners in the state of Wisconsin. Its mission is "to advance and promote issues of concern to all Wisconsin property owners." Our very own Roger Rushman, Chairman of the WRA is a board member as is Bill Malkasian, President of the WRA. Malkasian states "The main purpose of the Wisconsin Homeowners Alliance is to protect people’s property rights, home values, and the real estate market – issue by issue – on a statewide and local basis."
Well, that sounds good to me! As a Wisconsin property owner with a home and vacation spot, I am too busy mowing two lawns and keeping up with the bills to keep up on all the other issues out there that affect my property ownership. I am thrilled to have this organization in Wisconsin – I wonder how many property owners are aware of the Wisconsin Homeowners Aliance?
Since The WHA and this First Weber blog are all about Wisconsin property owners, we will often piggy back on their efforts, and help spread the word about what is important. Email Newsletters are also available. If you want one emailed to you, send a us comment.