Holiday lights – Yes? No? Depends on the weather?

December 2, 2009

Farm3 Flickr photo

Do you decorate the outside of your house/your yard for the holidays? 

White lights or colored?  

Less is more – or the more glare the better? 

Are you one of theose people who plan ahead and put the lights up when it is actually warm(ish) out, or do you always end up in the cold?

Our Wisconsin neighborhoods look so pretty lit up on a dark snowy night, in my opinion.  Whatever your opinion, enjoy this holiday season and maybe enjoy a new house next year. Looking now and in January means closing before the April deadline should be no problem.  There’s more information on the extended tax credit here.    It’s not for first time buyers only anymore!  But, that is a post in itself so stay tuned. Thanks for reading.

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