10 “Residential Resolutions” for 2010

December 29, 2009

The new year is fast approaching and we sure hope 2010 will be a more stable year on many fronts.  The extended and expanded tax credit should keep Wisconsin real estate sales going relatively strong, just like the tax credits made for a strong fall Wisconsin real estate market which we talked about for Dane County, Metro Milwaukee and Wausau.  We are here to help should you want to learn more about the credits and buy or sell a home in 2010.

Now on to new year resolutions….  Not personal resolutions, but "Residential Resolutions."  For ten ideas on making your home more organized and more of a personal haven, please see this article from jsonline on home organization

The highlights are:

1. Be responsible: recycle

2. Be frugal: Sell unwanted gifts or unused household items.

3. Be generous: Donate unused household good to charities.

4. Be tidy: set up systems for storage and organization.

5. Be discerning: Do you REALLY need that new gadget?

6. Be inclusive: Get all household members involved with your resolutions.

7. Be mindful: Check smoke detectors, etc.

8. Be heath conscious: Choose products that have a lower impact on your home environment.

9. Be aware: Think of the environment – recylce materials, use fluorescent blubs, choose Energy Star appliances.

10. Be prepared: Plan ahead for next year by checking sales on holiday decorations now.

The article, written by Nancy Herrick,  may not appeal all, but it was a useful article for me and I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading the First Weber Wisconsin real estate blog. And Happy New Year!

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