First Weber Foundation matching donations to Hurricane Sandy victims. Donate today.

Tammy Maddente, Executive Vice President of First Weber Group and Member of the First Weber Foundation Board of Directors has an important announcement:Today the Board of Directors of the First Weber Foundation approved a First Weber Foundation program to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

If anyone would like to donate to help the Hurricane Sandy victims, the Foundation will DOUBLE all donations up to $5000!

Make checks payable to FWG Foundation and send them ASAP to the Foundation or any First Weber Office Manager as we will only collect through NOVEMBER 15th so we can get the help to those in need quickly.


First Weber Group Foundation, Inc.5250 East Terrace Drive, Suite I
Madison, WI 53718Since this is being done through Group Giving, rally your friends and family as well. The Foundation can DOUBLE donations from the public and our participants through this program!  All are welcome.

We will be sending the money through AmeriCares Foundation because 98% of the monies collected will go to the victims.


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