Where’s the best place to retire in Wisconsin?

sitting potential

Retiring and staying in Wisconsin? Try this interactive tool to see the best places in Wisconsin for retirees.  Select Wisconsin from the pull down menu on the right hand side of the webpage. When we selected Wisconsin, with no price criteria, here are the results:

Median Income:$50,223
Median Home Price:$112,000
Number of hospitals in the place:2
Temperature:82°F July High, 6°F January Low
Median Income:$40,110
Median Home Price:$116,800
Number of hospitals in the place:3
Temperature:82°F July High, 7°F January Low
Median Income:$33,957
Median Home Price:$112,000
Number of hospitals in the place:2
Temperature:81°F July High, 6°F January Low
Median Income:$45,223
Median Home Price:$180,000
Number of hospitals in the place:6
Temperature:81°F July High, 7°F January Low
Median Income:$35,482
Median Home Price:$100,000
Number of hospitals in the place:13
Temperature:79°F July High, 4°F January Low
Median Income:$53,068
Median Home Price:$175,000
Number of hospitals in the place:2
Temperature:82°F July High, 4°F January Low
Median Income:$39,983
Median Home Price:$87,858
Number of hospitals in the place:2
Temperature:84°F July High, 6°F January Low

When the time comes to retire, perhaps you’ll need to downsize your home and buy something with less upkeep.  When selling your Wisconsin property, please remember First Weber Group sells real estate all over Wisconsin and we can help. 
If cold days and blizzards have convinced you to retire to a warmer place, just select a different state from the list and see what the USNews tool reports.   First Weber’s Relocation team can assist with that move too and put you in touch with a qualified Realtor in your destination state.

An outside source created this data. Which Wisconsin city would YOU rate as one good to retire in? 

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