Around the home tips from First Weber: Room dividers, fancy faucets and mudrooms

July 14, 2016

There are so many excellent home improvement and design ideas all across the web. Here are a few we found interesting and hope you do too!

Room dividers:

If your home or condo is  a wide open concept style of design, you will find some excellent room divider designs from the rustic to the artistic to functional here 


Sinks and faucets:

You can really get creative when redoing the  bathroom with all the different styles of faucets and sinks available. Take a look at some of these ideas for design inspiration.  Oftentimes, we have talked about making small changes to your home in prepartion to sell: new handles on the kitchen cabinets, new paint and more. A new eye-catching sink or unique faucet could be just the trick to make your bathroom stand out in the mind’s of buyers as they tour numerous homes.



lots of homes do not have them, but still need a small place to corral the “stuff” of life. Here are some ideas to make such a place in your home without a major remodel. Some real good ideas.

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